المجلس الوطني للبحث العلمي و التكنولوجيات

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الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية

رئاسة الجمهورية

المجلس الوطني للبحث العلمي و التكنولوجيات

CNRST bureau meeting Extended to the presidents of the committees

Rapport Commission

Under the chairmanship of Prof. MT Abadlia, an information and discussion meeting was held on June 15, 2023 at 10 a.m. at the headquarters of the CNRST, in the presence of the members of the office, the presidents of the commissions, the staff of the CNRST as well as some members.

In his opening speech, the President first thanked the audience, specifying that this meeting is organized upon the request of some members who wanted to inquire either about the progress of the CNRST’s activities, or to ask for clarification and explanations on specific points.

The President recalled that during the last 14 months since the installation of the Council, intense activities have been carried out by the committees and the staff, which have enabled significant progress in the Council's agenda. Indeed, the two general assemblies were held, the annual report accompanied by recommendations was finalized and transmitted to the President of the Republic, that the staff concretized many recommendations such as the internal regulations, the organization chart , the recruitment of directors, assistant directors and administrative and technical staff to facilitate the work of the Council. Certain proposals formulated by the commissions have received a favorable response from the presidency and are in the process of being implemented (Covid19, the integration of Algeria into the BRICS, the participation of the national community living abroad in socio-economic development and technology of the country).

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الموقع يستعمل سياسة الخصوصية

يوفر الموقع حماية لخصوصيات الزائرين و لا يجمع الموقع أي معلومات شخصية تتعلق بزائريه إلا إذا حصل على الموافقة من طرفهم.
يتعامل الموقع مع المعلومات الشخصية للزائرين إليه وفق أعلى درجات الحماية والسرية،وفقا للقانون 18-07 المتعلق بحماية الأشخاص الطبيعيين في مجال معالجة المعطيات ذات الطابع الشخصي.